Mrs. Holderbaum's Classroom Website

My class is designed to improve your communication and thinking skills. We will do this by analyzing both classic and modern fiction and nonfiction. We will also look at how various genres are structured and work on creating our own arguments.

 If you are a freshman or sophomore, we will work extensively on skills that will prepare you to ace the required state test. If you are a junior, we will work on how to do well on the ACT Reading test. These skills will also prepare you for life after high school, not because you will be taking tests, but because you will need to be able to think critically and form your own opinions about different issues affecting our society. In spite of the test preparation, a necessary evil, we will also try to have some fun.

This website is your link to everything happening in our classroom. You can find your class in the menu to the left. Each week, I will update the lesson plans, so you will know what we are doing each day, when to expect quizzes, etc. If you are absent, please check the lesson plans before returning so you can be specific when you ask me for your missed work or to make up a quiz.